I think I'm still moving. I thought I had a handle on my scale but this morning it's giving me 4 different weights. I've decided to go with the one in the middle, since they're all had roughly the same frequency.
I didn't think I was going to lose this morning (and maybe I didn't... weird scale) but I'll take the loss. Today is the end of week 2. I lost 3 lbs this week. Not bad. Since I've lost 10.2 lbs overall (net, I'm not counting loading gains), I'm averaging about .73lb loss per day. I seriously see that going down to about .5 but, so far I've been surprised by my ability to lose on this diet. I knew it would work but I thought it would be a much bigger struggle. If I can keep up the 3 lbs/week from this point forward, I will be okay... I'd end at about 135lbs... my goal is 132 lbs so schwatever, that's really close.
Yesterday (and I would call this a "cheat" really), I went off protocol and had almond milk in my coffee instead of bovine milk. Didn't seem to be a problem. I wouldn't even have needed milk if the lady at the Target Starbucks didn't add a sickening amount of sugar-free hazelnut syrup to my iced coffee. I also had trouble sleeping last night. This may or may not be due to drinking iced coffee at 10PM.
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