Saturday, September 17, 2011


My aunt passed away and today my family all got together and it was so early in the morning and we got to bed so late last night and I just didn't prepare.  I suck.  I just wasn't ready.  I started small but the day just turned into a big, carb-y, fatty reload.  Loading.  at the end of the round.  I don't know!  I'm curious about the results though, because I ate absolutely NO sugar.  but I did probably consume like 4000 calories.  Obviously my weight will be up tomorrow, but I wonder if I'll have boosted my metabolism.  meh.  shrug.  whatever.  if it takes me til the end of this round to get back down to 136-so be it.  Just saw some pictures of myself from today (before eating) and I didn't photograph much skinnier than before.  So it looks like I still have ten more lbs to lose anyway.  we'll handle that in another round...  might even take a planned interruption for Oli's birthday and then do another 15 days on p2

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