well... I ate ALL day yesterday. I was sure I was going to wake up today to find that I needed to do a correction day to stay within 2 lbs of my last injection weight (137.2) but hey, hey, instead I went down .6 lbs from the prior day's weight to 136.8.
oddly enough though... I still feel really kind of bloated and fat... well I don't really feel fat but I feel like I'm getting fat... some how. it's probably psychological.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
cop to it
I stopped doing the low calorie thing 3 days early. I just couldn't do it anymore. I felt pretty awesome the day after binging at my aunt's funeral but I just couldn't stomach the same old no fat 500 calories. I was surprised that I didn't have any carb cravings after the funeral... just fat fat fat fat. It's all I've craved since day 5 vlcd. MOAR FAT!
So I gave up... I don't know. I feel my body sucking up the fat. I FEEL it. I also feel like I'm gaining weight... and everyone can hang me and say I didn't follow protocol and its my fault but I'm not sure I believe in hcg any longer. Actually... as tough as eating crow is (is crow fatty? Maybe it's not so tough.)... I'm pretty sure that I don't belive in hcg. I believe that the protocol works though I think it's inefficient and not right for me.
I've been reading many blogs and many forum posts (and not enough physics and calculus books- BAD RORA BAD) and one that I read start to finish is SugarFreeGoodies. Like many smart people (some might even accuse yours truly of this), the author comes off a little bit abrasive and know-it-all, and her responses to her "test subjects" lack diplomacy in language, BUT she seems like she's onto something (and she's pretty funny and a clear sci-fi geek) and she might just have a working diet coming to fruition soon. It's worth a read. It's got me all FREAKED OUT though because it's through her that I learned that hcg supposedly makes you create more fat cells... that's the last fucking thing I need!
Now... for some calming news (for me)... reading all of these various blogs about people with insulin resistance had me thinking about my own weight and metabolism. I used to think something was really awry with my metabolism because I gained a lot of weight through puberty (about 10-20 lbs a year from 12 to 16) and I thought I was just particularly - as in more than most people unable to deal with sugar because what caused me to drop own to a normal BMI/150lbs completely effortlessly was to stop drinking soda and juice.
Today, I calculated how much sugar and how many calories a day I was ingesting during those formative teen years... want to guess? ok, I'll tell you... on any given day, just from juice or soda alone- so not counting any other shit I was eating- I took in between 130-200 grams of sugar and between 600 and 1000 calories. So, honestly, I think my metabolism dealt with that pretty impressively. Calories in/calories out is pretty imperfect, but let's assume for a minute it's true... I guarantee you I wasn't eating much healthier outside of my juice/pop but let's say that the juice was my ONLY excess caloric intake... 600calories X 364 / 3500 calories to a lb of fat = 62.4 lbs.
Likewise, in adulthood (age 17 to present), where I only on occasion enjoy soda or juice, I've been losing about 1-2lbs a year... doing nada else (and anyone who has had the unfortunate experience of seeing me eat knows I'm into long distance eating and can go eat a LOT) except not drinking anything but seltzer water on a regular basis (other than water water) and I don't eat sugar too regularly. I'd be lying to ya if I said I hadn't polished off an entire bag of chocolate peanut butter covered Bugles in late July but I try to keep sugar binges to once a month because it does tend to make me iittttccchhhhyyyy.
My theory was that as I continued to cut out sugar and opt for more sugar free things, I was going to slowly lose weight over the course of many years. I figured, "why not get the weight off first and just maintain it? why wait?!" so I did hcg... it's too early to say if I'm going to gain it all back, and my period stopped for like two days when I had eaten a little more carbs, but started right back up again so it could just be period emotions- but I feel like I CAN'T STOP EATING now that I'm in p3 (which isn't that abnormal for me to feel even not on a diet) and I feel like I can FEEL my ass getting bigger. can I?! I'm paranoid. I'm neurotic. All this food and diet research is making me obsessive. is giving me an eating disorder. what the fuck to do...
So I gave up... I don't know. I feel my body sucking up the fat. I FEEL it. I also feel like I'm gaining weight... and everyone can hang me and say I didn't follow protocol and its my fault but I'm not sure I believe in hcg any longer. Actually... as tough as eating crow is (is crow fatty? Maybe it's not so tough.)... I'm pretty sure that I don't belive in hcg. I believe that the protocol works though I think it's inefficient and not right for me.
I've been reading many blogs and many forum posts (and not enough physics and calculus books- BAD RORA BAD) and one that I read start to finish is SugarFreeGoodies. Like many smart people (some might even accuse yours truly of this), the author comes off a little bit abrasive and know-it-all, and her responses to her "test subjects" lack diplomacy in language, BUT she seems like she's onto something (and she's pretty funny and a clear sci-fi geek) and she might just have a working diet coming to fruition soon. It's worth a read. It's got me all FREAKED OUT though because it's through her that I learned that hcg supposedly makes you create more fat cells... that's the last fucking thing I need!
Now... for some calming news (for me)... reading all of these various blogs about people with insulin resistance had me thinking about my own weight and metabolism. I used to think something was really awry with my metabolism because I gained a lot of weight through puberty (about 10-20 lbs a year from 12 to 16) and I thought I was just particularly - as in more than most people unable to deal with sugar because what caused me to drop own to a normal BMI/150lbs completely effortlessly was to stop drinking soda and juice.
Today, I calculated how much sugar and how many calories a day I was ingesting during those formative teen years... want to guess? ok, I'll tell you... on any given day, just from juice or soda alone- so not counting any other shit I was eating- I took in between 130-200 grams of sugar and between 600 and 1000 calories. So, honestly, I think my metabolism dealt with that pretty impressively. Calories in/calories out is pretty imperfect, but let's assume for a minute it's true... I guarantee you I wasn't eating much healthier outside of my juice/pop but let's say that the juice was my ONLY excess caloric intake... 600calories X 364 / 3500 calories to a lb of fat = 62.4 lbs.
Likewise, in adulthood (age 17 to present), where I only on occasion enjoy soda or juice, I've been losing about 1-2lbs a year... doing nada else (and anyone who has had the unfortunate experience of seeing me eat knows I'm into long distance eating and can go eat a LOT) except not drinking anything but seltzer water on a regular basis (other than water water) and I don't eat sugar too regularly. I'd be lying to ya if I said I hadn't polished off an entire bag of chocolate peanut butter covered Bugles in late July but I try to keep sugar binges to once a month because it does tend to make me iittttccchhhhyyyy.
My theory was that as I continued to cut out sugar and opt for more sugar free things, I was going to slowly lose weight over the course of many years. I figured, "why not get the weight off first and just maintain it? why wait?!" so I did hcg... it's too early to say if I'm going to gain it all back, and my period stopped for like two days when I had eaten a little more carbs, but started right back up again so it could just be period emotions- but I feel like I CAN'T STOP EATING now that I'm in p3 (which isn't that abnormal for me to feel even not on a diet) and I feel like I can FEEL my ass getting bigger. can I?! I'm paranoid. I'm neurotic. All this food and diet research is making me obsessive. is giving me an eating disorder. what the fuck to do...
ok alright
So yesterday was my last injection weight, which means the goal of the next three weeks is to keep my weight within +/- 2lbs. So far so good... up only .4 today.
Yesterday, I was supposed to eat the p2 foods. but I ate almost none. I ate probably half a bag of macadamia nuts, MANY almonds, 2 or 3 slices of cheese, cottage cheese, full fat greek yogurt, lettuce onions and cucumbers with ranch, some snappea crisps, a couple bites of meatballs, 4oz of ground beef in spaghetti sauce. The nuts alone were probably 500 calories.
I don't know why it's so hard to stick to this now. I think it's because I don't believe hcg actually does anything. It's all in the food combining.
Yesterday, I was supposed to eat the p2 foods. but I ate almost none. I ate probably half a bag of macadamia nuts, MANY almonds, 2 or 3 slices of cheese, cottage cheese, full fat greek yogurt, lettuce onions and cucumbers with ranch, some snappea crisps, a couple bites of meatballs, 4oz of ground beef in spaghetti sauce. The nuts alone were probably 500 calories.
I don't know why it's so hard to stick to this now. I think it's because I don't believe hcg actually does anything. It's all in the food combining.
Monday, September 19, 2011
down a lil
ok down .8 of my 3.6# gain.. leaving just 2.8 to lose by tomorrow (not going to happen). so that shit was pretty dumb. schwatever.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
up down and away
ok so I am up 3.6lbs over yesterday. I was expecting it to be more but I did drink almost 4 liters of water yesterday. at most, only 1 lb of that is actual fat (and I actually doubt it's a pound)... so I'm hoping it all comes off quickly and my metabolism is boosted a bit.
Today and tomorrow- strict protocol. no mixing veggies, no adding fats, blah blah blah.
Today and tomorrow- strict protocol. no mixing veggies, no adding fats, blah blah blah.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
My aunt passed away and today my family all got together and it was so early in the morning and we got to bed so late last night and I just didn't prepare. I suck. I just wasn't ready. I started small but the day just turned into a big, carb-y, fatty reload. Loading. at the end of the round. I don't know! I'm curious about the results though, because I ate absolutely NO sugar. but I did probably consume like 4000 calories. Obviously my weight will be up tomorrow, but I wonder if I'll have boosted my metabolism. meh. shrug. whatever. if it takes me til the end of this round to get back down to 136-so be it. Just saw some pictures of myself from today (before eating) and I didn't photograph much skinnier than before. So it looks like I still have ten more lbs to lose anyway. we'll handle that in another round... might even take a planned interruption for Oli's birthday and then do another 15 days on p2
Friday, September 16, 2011
ready to move on
my dedication to p2 is waning... it's not that I'm tempted by junk food or anything (thought actually grosses me out)... I'm just... ready to move on... even though there are still losses to be had... I'm hungrier, I'm less content.
I was kind of bad today. Did this survey at the mall where I had a few sips of vitamin water and a bite of a saltine (to cleanse the palate). I think the saltine bite can count for the melba I skipped, and probably any sugar from the vitamin water was burned immediately as I walked ALL DAY today. I didn't drink enough water. I'm trying to make up for it now... we'll see. I ate Fage 0% but felt REALLY hungry afterward so also had 3.5 oz of steak. No vegetables though (I'm out). Ate too many fucking almonds... I'm just feeling so meh.... so unsatisfied by everything (except fat)... so wanting to move on.
Tomorrow, if there's a loss... no injection... I'm moving on. If there is a gain, I'll go until I get back to 136 and then I'll move on. I know I only have four injections left so... who knows I might feel better in the morning (or worse) and feel okay about going about the entire 4 days.
Going about 1.5hrs away to Tonica to attend my aunt's funeral... will be out there all day... not sure what I'm going to do to stay on protocol... guess I'll have to make food in the morning to bring.
I was kind of bad today. Did this survey at the mall where I had a few sips of vitamin water and a bite of a saltine (to cleanse the palate). I think the saltine bite can count for the melba I skipped, and probably any sugar from the vitamin water was burned immediately as I walked ALL DAY today. I didn't drink enough water. I'm trying to make up for it now... we'll see. I ate Fage 0% but felt REALLY hungry afterward so also had 3.5 oz of steak. No vegetables though (I'm out). Ate too many fucking almonds... I'm just feeling so meh.... so unsatisfied by everything (except fat)... so wanting to move on.
Tomorrow, if there's a loss... no injection... I'm moving on. If there is a gain, I'll go until I get back to 136 and then I'll move on. I know I only have four injections left so... who knows I might feel better in the morning (or worse) and feel okay about going about the entire 4 days.
Going about 1.5hrs away to Tonica to attend my aunt's funeral... will be out there all day... not sure what I'm going to do to stay on protocol... guess I'll have to make food in the morning to bring.
is it fat?
down .8 today to 136!
and I'm SURPRISED... because yesterday, I skipped my first fruit, ate my eggs and only threw away one yolk instead of tossing the usual 2, ate almonds in the middle of the day, ate a 5oz steak for dinner (with fat) and cut up cucumbers and onions and ate them with... RANCH DRESSING ZOMG. then ate even more almonds.
So the fat experiment continues, though... it's only been going on for 3 or 4 days... need MOAR EVIDENCE.
not including today, I have a total of 4 injections and weigh-ins left. My lofty-probz-not-gonna-happen goal was to get down to 132. That's probz-not-gonna-happen, but It's possibly I get down to 134!
and I'm SURPRISED... because yesterday, I skipped my first fruit, ate my eggs and only threw away one yolk instead of tossing the usual 2, ate almonds in the middle of the day, ate a 5oz steak for dinner (with fat) and cut up cucumbers and onions and ate them with... RANCH DRESSING ZOMG. then ate even more almonds.
So the fat experiment continues, though... it's only been going on for 3 or 4 days... need MOAR EVIDENCE.
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what is this? it's awesome! why am I asking what it is? I'm the one who found it. |
not including today, I have a total of 4 injections and weigh-ins left. My lofty-probz-not-gonna-happen goal was to get down to 132. That's probz-not-gonna-happen, but It's possibly I get down to 134!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
I'm three-fourths done with this phase, and I've lost three-fourths of the weight that I wanted to lose.
I gained slightly today, .2#, and even though I know it's probably because I sucked at drinking water yesterday and I ate too much salt, I'm sort of glad to see just .2 lbs and to feel kind of dry and bloated at the same time. I was a little worried that the 1.6# loss wasn't real and was going to come back. This solidifies that loss.
Lotsa water for me today!
I gained slightly today, .2#, and even though I know it's probably because I sucked at drinking water yesterday and I ate too much salt, I'm sort of glad to see just .2 lbs and to feel kind of dry and bloated at the same time. I was a little worried that the 1.6# loss wasn't real and was going to come back. This solidifies that loss.
Lotsa water for me today!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
some ponderings
So, as this diet phase comes to its final days (I have only 8 days left), I've been thinking a lot about my future of eating.
This is the first diet where I've had to cook every single meal (okay, minus the two times I ate Taco Bell). When I did Atkins, I cooked more than usual, but it was also easy to just munch on some deli meat.
At this point, I'm trying to decide what food items I will eat often, eat in moderation, eat rarely, and banish forever. Months ago, I came to the conclusion that sugar really has no place in my life. I'm still really young so I can't say what causes me health problems, but I know that just cutting out soda and fruit juice allowed me to go from obese to normal (though, I'd been, in the words of Louis CK's doctor, "cosmetically overweight" for some time). If sugar allowed my weight to skyrocket as a calorie-burning-machine teenager, I'm sure it's not going to get any better for me. Granted, I did consume it in large amounts.
I do not see myself getting rid of wheat, assuming I do not show any signs of inheriting my mother's MS. I do, however, see myself limiting my wheat consumption. I think it'll be worth the extra cost for some Dreamfields pasta and other lower carb specialties. I also intend to use low carb options whenever viable alternatives exist- but I'm not going to get all fanatical Atkins about it. I like bread. I like pasta. I like tortillas. I also like corn, sometimes, but not really...
I don't really like fruit that much. I could go the rest of my life without ever eating a banana again. I love strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries though- and hey! they're low carb- I win. There are some higher carb veggies that I really, really, really like (love, in some cases), particularly pumpkin, squash, and beets. AND I INTEND TO CONTINUE TO EAT THEM.
I really like rice but, unless I'm eating out and it's not an option, brown rice is a-okay with me. I like wild rice too. So I want to continue to eat rice.
I would fucking die for most cheese. Would take a bullet to the FACE for a brick of smoked cheddar. It is non-negotiable. Dairy stays. IDGAF about milk though. Heavy whipping cream is delightful. I'm from the Midwest, so ranch dressing served with ranch dressing is a meal to me. It is the greatest dressing, outside of Western, which I just found a SF recipe for. Fuck yeah, life just got sweeter.
Almost all fast food chains serve unsweetened ice tea, so I'm covered out and about, but I do enjoy the occasional can of "sohda pahp"... don't care for Splenda in general, but will enjoy a few cans of Diet Coke with Splenda or Diet Rite or Diet RC (but probz not Pepsi One because the caffeine content is through the roof and I'm fairly sensitive).
My all time favorite foods and my plans for revamping them are as follows:
meat is never my favorite food... most meat is take it or leave it for me, apart from chicken breasts, which I generally can't stand. I like bloody steak (new to me just these last few months! who am i?!) and I like dark chicken meat (mostly in the form of wings because they want to be covered in ranch and it is my duty as an American to see that they get their wish) but I don't really like meat that much. A lot of foods on my list above could contain meat but I think it makes them worse. I do love cheeseburgers and hot dogs though because I am patriotic about being from Chicago and- hey putting ketchup on hot dogs is sacrilege here so no sugar issue there! By the way, I am patriotic within limits, Chicago-style pizza (deep dish) is kind of gross to me- and I like cheese a lot. Anyway, I'm going to try to eat more meat to keep carbs low, but if wheat and rice don't give me too much trouble, and all of my issues lie with sugar, I will probably just go back to being a vegetarian like in the old days. Oh, I do like fish a lot though!
So, if you're at the bottom of this and you read the whole thing, I'm kind of sorry... this is really meant for me to map out what I am and am not willing to live without so that I can plan accordingly with my diet... I can't imagine anyone else would have enjoyed reading that.
This is the first diet where I've had to cook every single meal (okay, minus the two times I ate Taco Bell). When I did Atkins, I cooked more than usual, but it was also easy to just munch on some deli meat.
At this point, I'm trying to decide what food items I will eat often, eat in moderation, eat rarely, and banish forever. Months ago, I came to the conclusion that sugar really has no place in my life. I'm still really young so I can't say what causes me health problems, but I know that just cutting out soda and fruit juice allowed me to go from obese to normal (though, I'd been, in the words of Louis CK's doctor, "cosmetically overweight" for some time). If sugar allowed my weight to skyrocket as a calorie-burning-machine teenager, I'm sure it's not going to get any better for me. Granted, I did consume it in large amounts.
I do not see myself getting rid of wheat, assuming I do not show any signs of inheriting my mother's MS. I do, however, see myself limiting my wheat consumption. I think it'll be worth the extra cost for some Dreamfields pasta and other lower carb specialties. I also intend to use low carb options whenever viable alternatives exist- but I'm not going to get all fanatical Atkins about it. I like bread. I like pasta. I like tortillas. I also like corn, sometimes, but not really...
I don't really like fruit that much. I could go the rest of my life without ever eating a banana again. I love strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries though- and hey! they're low carb- I win. There are some higher carb veggies that I really, really, really like (love, in some cases), particularly pumpkin, squash, and beets. AND I INTEND TO CONTINUE TO EAT THEM.
I really like rice but, unless I'm eating out and it's not an option, brown rice is a-okay with me. I like wild rice too. So I want to continue to eat rice.
I would fucking die for most cheese. Would take a bullet to the FACE for a brick of smoked cheddar. It is non-negotiable. Dairy stays. IDGAF about milk though. Heavy whipping cream is delightful. I'm from the Midwest, so ranch dressing served with ranch dressing is a meal to me. It is the greatest dressing, outside of Western, which I just found a SF recipe for. Fuck yeah, life just got sweeter.
Almost all fast food chains serve unsweetened ice tea, so I'm covered out and about, but I do enjoy the occasional can of "sohda pahp"... don't care for Splenda in general, but will enjoy a few cans of Diet Coke with Splenda or Diet Rite or Diet RC (but probz not Pepsi One because the caffeine content is through the roof and I'm fairly sensitive).
My all time favorite foods and my plans for revamping them are as follows:
- romaine salad with a variety of veggies (especially snap peas when available) topped with ranch dressing and pickled beets hey! it's already low carb, doesn't require tweeking except that pickled beets have a small amount of HFCS.
- pesto-drenched cheese tortellini will attempt to get by with Dreamfields noodz- pesto drenched.
- chiles rellenos probz shouldn't eat it out but it's VERY doable low carb made at home.
- grilled cheese and tomato soup. low carb bread should handle it and some homemade tomato soup.
- pizza-flavored Pepperidge Farm Goldfish crackers. nothing I can do about that shiz.
- vegetarian burritos, filled with avocado, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, rice and beans, topped with some kind of red sauce and covered in melted cheese, served with beans and rice. occasional treat... This is a meal I refuse to shit on with low carb products and it is also something I usually eat when I'm drunk, anyway.
- random Indian food I get at Trader Joe's, particularly punjab choly and palak paneer- served on rice. not inherently high-carb, until you get to the rice. I can't imagine eating palak paneer on cauliflower rice, but I'll try it.
- thai tofu curries on rice. occasional treat, I guess, unless I prove to have no adverse reaction to rice. I will try to ask the lady at the local Thai restaurant if she'll consider using a sugar substitute, provided by me, when she makes the curry.
- lasagna, cheesy, cheesy lasagna. will make at home with Dreamfields.
- tofurkey with wild-rice stuffing and mashed potatoes. shit's only available once a year anyway.
- Cafe Luigi's New York style "special" pizza (ricotta, tomato, spinach, and fucking LSD or something because it's un-fucking-believable and IDGAF about pizza, generally). ok, it's a very particular pizza, at a very particular restaurant that is NOWHERE NEAR my home and is not in a neighborhood that I ever need to go to.
- homemade potato salad. When I see it, I'm eating it.
- veggie scrambles on hashbrowns with ketchup. This is something I order from 24 hour restaurants. If I have the foresight to bring my own ketchup, I will. I have an insanely amazing, gourmet sugar-free ketchup recipe.
- pumpkin pie I'll figure something out.
meat is never my favorite food... most meat is take it or leave it for me, apart from chicken breasts, which I generally can't stand. I like bloody steak (new to me just these last few months! who am i?!) and I like dark chicken meat (mostly in the form of wings because they want to be covered in ranch and it is my duty as an American to see that they get their wish) but I don't really like meat that much. A lot of foods on my list above could contain meat but I think it makes them worse. I do love cheeseburgers and hot dogs though because I am patriotic about being from Chicago and- hey putting ketchup on hot dogs is sacrilege here so no sugar issue there! By the way, I am patriotic within limits, Chicago-style pizza (deep dish) is kind of gross to me- and I like cheese a lot. Anyway, I'm going to try to eat more meat to keep carbs low, but if wheat and rice don't give me too much trouble, and all of my issues lie with sugar, I will probably just go back to being a vegetarian like in the old days. Oh, I do like fish a lot though!
So, if you're at the bottom of this and you read the whole thing, I'm kind of sorry... this is really meant for me to map out what I am and am not willing to live without so that I can plan accordingly with my diet... I can't imagine anyone else would have enjoyed reading that.
takes fat to lose fat
I am very excited about my 1.6lb drop today. I'm convinced it's because of the almonds. Yes, ate more almonds yesterday. and ate beef TWICE. AND DIDN'T CUT ALL VISIBLE FAT OFF MY STEAK. and I lost a bunch of weight. Wish I had realized this earlier in the round but every time I eat a little more fat an usual, I drop a little more weight than usual.
So I'm thinking about it... and I'm feeling rogue.
So I'm thinking about it... and I'm feeling rogue.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
so today I am down .2lbs. I'm actually a little surprised I'm down at all. I didn't sleep well, I think I might have had too much water, and... I *gasp* cheated. YES, cheated. "Hilarious" because I just told someone yesterday morning that I hadn't cheated once, then that night I ate 11 almonds. HAH. I thought that it was going to turn into a binge thing but I felt completely satisfied with 11 almonds. Entirely content. Not eating them after that (and right now)... not a problem. I don't want to be one of those people who cheats and then goes "I just think my body needed Chips Ahoy cookies; I think we should listen to our bodies."
I do think my body needed those almonds. I'm not sure if it's because I'm now anemic because of/causing a month long period or if my body just wants fat. My vote is on the anemia... next time I get a craving for almonds I'm just going to eat more beef. And I'm going to try to take an iron supplement, if I can find one that isn't useless.
and I may take this back tomorrow or Thursday but I just have a good feeling about having eaten those almonds. I wonder if sometimes people produce so much cortisol stressing about cheats that they gain.
I do think my body needed those almonds. I'm not sure if it's because I'm now anemic because of/causing a month long period or if my body just wants fat. My vote is on the anemia... next time I get a craving for almonds I'm just going to eat more beef. And I'm going to try to take an iron supplement, if I can find one that isn't useless.
and I may take this back tomorrow or Thursday but I just have a good feeling about having eaten those almonds. I wonder if sometimes people produce so much cortisol stressing about cheats that they gain.
Monday, September 12, 2011
this morning I was only down .2 at 138.4, but... I measured my waist and it was a whole .5 inch down from just a week ago... which means I've lost 2 inches overall.
I am 2/3rds of the way done with p2. I have (including today's) 9 more injections and (including today) 11 more days of low calorie. It's almost over! I think I'll get down to 135 by the end of it... then hopefully I drop down just a little bit more so I can have lost 20 lbs.
I am 2/3rds of the way done with p2. I have (including today's) 9 more injections and (including today) 11 more days of low calorie. It's almost over! I think I'll get down to 135 by the end of it... then hopefully I drop down just a little bit more so I can have lost 20 lbs.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
onward ho!
so it's day 21... so I've completed 3 weeks of vlcd... WOW. just 10 more days to go... which also means it's 10 days until my son Oliver turns 3. Can't wait to make a sugarfree cheesecake!
I'm feeling good about my losses (was 1.2 lbs down this morning- awesome) but I'm not excited about blogging. I don't really know what's what or why some things happen. I haven't taken good enough accounts of my meal plans to notice any patterns. I will say this, I've eaten taco bell twice and lost well the next day both times. I've been veering from protocol lately... today I had eggs and onions and tomatoes and spinach for lunch and ground beef in spaghetti sauce (sugar free!) for dinner. Kind of don't care but the spaghetti sauce has olive oil as an ingredient and has 1g of fat. It was really good.
At this point, I'd like to drop about 4 more lbs... but I'm feeling good where I am. I don't really care. I've never been in the 130s as an adult and here I am and I feel... pretty much the same... so there you have it and there it is.
I'm feeling good about my losses (was 1.2 lbs down this morning- awesome) but I'm not excited about blogging. I don't really know what's what or why some things happen. I haven't taken good enough accounts of my meal plans to notice any patterns. I will say this, I've eaten taco bell twice and lost well the next day both times. I've been veering from protocol lately... today I had eggs and onions and tomatoes and spinach for lunch and ground beef in spaghetti sauce (sugar free!) for dinner. Kind of don't care but the spaghetti sauce has olive oil as an ingredient and has 1g of fat. It was really good.
At this point, I'd like to drop about 4 more lbs... but I'm feeling good where I am. I don't really care. I've never been in the 130s as an adult and here I am and I feel... pretty much the same... so there you have it and there it is.
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minus 10000 |
Saturday, September 10, 2011
and we made it
So I'm finally into the 130s... very much just tiptoed over the line. It's getting harder and harder to find images for some reason so I had to go to some stupid generator and generate this one:

took a pretty big dose of potassium last night on accident but nothing happened... it didn't dry me out nor did it make my leg cramps go away AND I didn't have any heart problems. Either I'm very K deficient or this bottle is crap. Next time I almost accidentally OD on something, I WANT TO FEEL IT. Actually... despite the concern of the ladies on the hcg message board, I wasn't anywhere NEAR critical levels. I've been reading about people taking what I took (600mg) 3X a day... I'll never almost die!
Friday, September 9, 2011
back down to 140.4 today... getting annoyed. not going to bother posting the same picture. meeehhhhh. I had to eat a few bites of steak just go to bed last night... period is making me all crave-y and hungry.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
another gain
So another little .2lb gain... very annoying. I did walk a lot yesterday but I know I don't drink enough water AND, although I've had my period THIS ENTIRE TIME, it's really heavy right now. I've been a bit hungrier these past few days.

Still, it's not too discouraging, because I look and feel skinnier fo sho, but I was hoping to get down to 132 by day 30. The weight loss will really have to ramp up to reach that goal. WHY WON'T YOU GO INTO THE 130s BODY?! ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME?!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
So I gained .2lbs. I'm totally not tripping... I ate most of my food and drank most of my water pretty late last night. Also, I've been very near protocol but I haven't been on protocol exactly completely 100% in a few days (ate beef for the last 4 meals and had non-lowfat beef on Sunday). I will attempt to stay on protocol today and drink lots and lots of water. I didn't expect to lose an entire pound yesterday so it's all good, my average still comes out to .67lbs/day and that is above average for women.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
almost into the one-thirties
almost didn't post today because my neighbor's internet was down but now I have my own internet (and phone!) so I'm back!
Ate all beef yesterday (hamburger and steak) and am down a whopping 1 lb today. I'm halfway through with p2!
Ate all beef yesterday (hamburger and steak) and am down a whopping 1 lb today. I'm halfway through with p2!
Monday, September 5, 2011
it's a miracle that i lost anything but I had a long night and don't much feel like talking about myself.
ate taco bell (beef, scooped out of shells, forgot to specify chicken) then over-ate p2 foods later because I was really crave-y.
ate taco bell (beef, scooped out of shells, forgot to specify chicken) then over-ate p2 foods later because I was really crave-y.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
not to scale
I think I'm still moving. I thought I had a handle on my scale but this morning it's giving me 4 different weights. I've decided to go with the one in the middle, since they're all had roughly the same frequency.
I didn't think I was going to lose this morning (and maybe I didn't... weird scale) but I'll take the loss. Today is the end of week 2. I lost 3 lbs this week. Not bad. Since I've lost 10.2 lbs overall (net, I'm not counting loading gains), I'm averaging about .73lb loss per day. I seriously see that going down to about .5 but, so far I've been surprised by my ability to lose on this diet. I knew it would work but I thought it would be a much bigger struggle. If I can keep up the 3 lbs/week from this point forward, I will be okay... I'd end at about 135lbs... my goal is 132 lbs so schwatever, that's really close.
Yesterday (and I would call this a "cheat" really), I went off protocol and had almond milk in my coffee instead of bovine milk. Didn't seem to be a problem. I wouldn't even have needed milk if the lady at the Target Starbucks didn't add a sickening amount of sugar-free hazelnut syrup to my iced coffee. I also had trouble sleeping last night. This may or may not be due to drinking iced coffee at 10PM.
I didn't think I was going to lose this morning (and maybe I didn't... weird scale) but I'll take the loss. Today is the end of week 2. I lost 3 lbs this week. Not bad. Since I've lost 10.2 lbs overall (net, I'm not counting loading gains), I'm averaging about .73lb loss per day. I seriously see that going down to about .5 but, so far I've been surprised by my ability to lose on this diet. I knew it would work but I thought it would be a much bigger struggle. If I can keep up the 3 lbs/week from this point forward, I will be okay... I'd end at about 135lbs... my goal is 132 lbs so schwatever, that's really close.
Yesterday (and I would call this a "cheat" really), I went off protocol and had almond milk in my coffee instead of bovine milk. Didn't seem to be a problem. I wouldn't even have needed milk if the lady at the Target Starbucks didn't add a sickening amount of sugar-free hazelnut syrup to my iced coffee. I also had trouble sleeping last night. This may or may not be due to drinking iced coffee at 10PM.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
moving along nicely!
Yesterday I didn't eat perfectly... apple in the morning as usual, but then I went to my friend's house all day. Brought a chicken breast with me (left it there and don't care. hate chicken now.) and could not bring myself to eat it. Drank a lot of water, munched on a handful of grape tomatoes... that was it. We took the kids to Portillo's (if you're not from the Greater Chicagoland Area, Portillo's is a chain of hotdog/hamburger/ribs/etc restaurants) and I had a grilled chicken sandwich, minus bread and mayo. I'm sure the chicken wasn't actually cooked in fat but it was probably cooked on the same equipment as greasy hamburgers. It was also probably about 4-5oz, not 3.5oz. Came home around 8 and felt munchy so I had two grissini sticks. That was all of my food for the day.
Found my bottle of ketostix from when I did Atkins and decided to test one out (coincidentally, the ketostix expire on the very last day of p2) just for the hell of it. It was dark! I was surprised, what with having eaten only grissini in the last few hours. Thought it might be a fluke so I did it again this morning... darker. Ketosis supposedly doesn't matter on this diet but I think it's a good sign that fat is being broken down.
so yeah... wasn't expecting to lose but was down .6 at 142.4! huzzah! 130s here I come!
Found my bottle of ketostix from when I did Atkins and decided to test one out (coincidentally, the ketostix expire on the very last day of p2) just for the hell of it. It was dark! I was surprised, what with having eaten only grissini in the last few hours. Thought it might be a fluke so I did it again this morning... darker. Ketosis supposedly doesn't matter on this diet but I think it's a good sign that fat is being broken down.
so yeah... wasn't expecting to lose but was down .6 at 142.4! huzzah! 130s here I come!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
well, day 11 is coming to a close so I am 1/3 of the way through the low calorie portion of this diet.
Today seemed a little tougher for some reason. maybe because there was more fast food around than there has been. Still, I'm proud of myself... no cheats. I wouldn't say it's hard but I generally don't restrict myself of things. Well, okay, I guess that's not true... many a time I have sat out a party or other goings-out with friends so that I could study instead. I guess I'll just look at it like that... an entire month of being alone, studying.
I wish I wasn't so ornery... some of the people on the message board I read just piss me off lately. I'm a bit of a know-it-all and many other know-it-alls are like the opposite end of a magnet. I'm really, really, really lucky though because I love all the girls on my p2 thread. I so look forward to reading that thread every day. If any of you are reading this, I love you guys, you're all so awesome!
Today seemed a little tougher for some reason. maybe because there was more fast food around than there has been. Still, I'm proud of myself... no cheats. I wouldn't say it's hard but I generally don't restrict myself of things. Well, okay, I guess that's not true... many a time I have sat out a party or other goings-out with friends so that I could study instead. I guess I'll just look at it like that... an entire month of being alone, studying.
I wish I wasn't so ornery... some of the people on the message board I read just piss me off lately. I'm a bit of a know-it-all and many other know-it-alls are like the opposite end of a magnet. I'm really, really, really lucky though because I love all the girls on my p2 thread. I so look forward to reading that thread every day. If any of you are reading this, I love you guys, you're all so awesome!
alright alright alright!
Ok... so I'm down .6 today... which is great, though, to be honest I was expecting a pound or two... but whatever... just glad to see movement!
Not sure what "broke" my slow down, or if it was anything at all, but I'm going to continue what I did yesterday: more liquids (not just water because I can't drink more water because it's grossing me out), no tomatoes, more sleep, more toilet time and that's really about it.
143.8! good work, body.
Not sure what "broke" my slow down, or if it was anything at all, but I'm going to continue what I did yesterday: more liquids (not just water because I can't drink more water because it's grossing me out), no tomatoes, more sleep, more toilet time and that's really about it.
143.8! good work, body.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
the same
this period has to go away. I'm totally bloated, and I'm not losing any weight. today I lost ZERO pounds. booo.
I'm going to try revisiting my menu from the first week, and I'm going to try to eat all of my allowable food, even though I don't feel like it.
I'm going to try revisiting my menu from the first week, and I'm going to try to eat all of my allowable food, even though I don't feel like it.
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NOTHING, not even a little. |
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
I lost another .4lbs but I'm really waiting for something bigger. I realize though that I have never weighed this little (for more than a day or two) in my entire adult life and TEEN life even. Many many many many years. So... if my body wants to take it's time, so be it. I have three weeks left and only about 10-15 more pounds til my goal for this round.
Anyway, short and sweet. Today I weighed in at 144.4. Didn't do anything off protocol yesterday except eat salsa as my vegetable at lunch and forgot to eat second fruit. Also forgot second melba.
Just took my last dose of the first mixing. I'm 4/15ths done with p2.
Anyway, short and sweet. Today I weighed in at 144.4. Didn't do anything off protocol yesterday except eat salsa as my vegetable at lunch and forgot to eat second fruit. Also forgot second melba.
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here comes the slowest train ever |
Just took my last dose of the first mixing. I'm 4/15ths done with p2.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Still massively bloated and periody. Was disappointed to only be down .2 this morning. Haven't been sleeping well though and haven't been taking my normal naps (I know, I'm a little old for naps but someday I'll be working 60 hours a week and there won't be naps anymore so I'm taking them while I can!)... but maybe I'll get a big drop tomorrow if I drink a shit ton of water today.
Jalepenos aren't technically on protocol but I've been eating my fish with salsa as my vegetable. I have to figure out how to make things interesting; I don't want to eat anymore.
Except today. Today I'm pretty hungry. I think my hcg is losing it's effectiveness since I'm on my second to last dose. I'm going to remix tonight.
Jalepenos aren't technically on protocol but I've been eating my fish with salsa as my vegetable. I have to figure out how to make things interesting; I don't want to eat anymore.
Except today. Today I'm pretty hungry. I think my hcg is losing it's effectiveness since I'm on my second to last dose. I'm going to remix tonight.
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It's getting harder and harder to find pictures for this task. |
Sunday, August 28, 2011
not now
Down just .4 lbs today. Went to a party yesterday. Did pretty well.
Didn't lose as well this morning though so for my own records here's what I ate yesterday:
Oh, other changes... I didn't take a nap as I usually do and I did not sleep well AT ALL last night. I could probably go back to sleep and lose more but there's too much shit to do today.
145lbs today. wish it were better, glad it's not worse.
Didn't lose as well this morning though so for my own records here's what I ate yesterday:
- 1 sip of vodka/7up
- 1.75 apples
- .5 wasa cracker
- 1oz cucumber
- 1 oz of celery
- roughly 6 oz of chicken (that had touched the fat of other meats on the grill and thus, was delicious)
- 1 thumbnail size shrimp from a pasta salad (wasn't even that good)
- 2 or 3 diet 7-ups
- 1 cup of Smooth Move tea
Oh, other changes... I didn't take a nap as I usually do and I did not sleep well AT ALL last night. I could probably go back to sleep and lose more but there's too much shit to do today.
145lbs today. wish it were better, glad it's not worse.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
when I'll be impressed
So this morning my weight was down .8, not as high as any other day, but totally fine with me, so far this week, I'm averaging about 1.1 pounds a day. If you count my loading weight, it's even higher.
I have barely been eating my vegetables or last fruit... sooo not interested. I get my protein in though and I never skip my morning apple. I want to try this chili that I've been hearing about on the forums but apparently tomatoes and beef stall people. I'll try it when I get a little further in. So far all of this weight lost seems tentative, like it could all go away in a day (which is true, if I just quit the diet and don't stabilize).
My lowest weight in my adult life was this spring, 141.8. When I beat that with this diet, I'll be impressed.
Just .8 down at 145.4
I have barely been eating my vegetables or last fruit... sooo not interested. I get my protein in though and I never skip my morning apple. I want to try this chili that I've been hearing about on the forums but apparently tomatoes and beef stall people. I'll try it when I get a little further in. So far all of this weight lost seems tentative, like it could all go away in a day (which is true, if I just quit the diet and don't stabilize).
My lowest weight in my adult life was this spring, 141.8. When I beat that with this diet, I'll be impressed.
Just .8 down at 145.4
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what is this? I don't even know. |
Friday, August 26, 2011
one tenth of the way there
I was sure that I wasn't going to lose anything this morning... I made mac and cheese for the family last night and I so, so wanted some, even though the exact same-tasting mac and cheese will be available for consumption in 3 months, I felt like this was the last box. I got over my cravings, didn't even eat a noodle, but splurged on Truvia. Truvia is not on protocol but I've been eating it (in small amounts! I'm not that into sugar) every day with no problems so far. Night before last, around dinner time, I only ate about 1/2 of my protein and didn't eat my fruit or vegetables but last night I ate everything available to me. I'm pretty sure my fish was more than 100grams.
I even dipped my strawberries in Truvia. I guess this isn't weird to people, because the logo for Truvia is a strawberry dipped in Truvia, but I have a thing about making sweet things sweeter: it's unnecessary and fucking gross. Strawberries in sugar I guess isn't so bad since it's like dessert, but the things people do to sweet potatoes! disgusting!
Also disgusting, I thought I was constipated because I hadn't gone at my normal time (should have been yesterday morning) so I drank some Smooth Move tea last night and that is probably some of my weight this morning. That shit works, and a little too well. I must not have been constipated because there was never anything hard and on the third toilet trip it was all water. I've been drinking water to compensate. I don't expect to lose as much, or any, tomorrow, but I say that everyday and have always been surprised.
One amazing thing, then I'll tell you my weight and you'll be done hearing about my bowels, when you do low carb you lose so much water weight and you feel all unbloated and ready to get into smaller jeans right away. On this diet, I am losing but I still feel bloated and unwilling to try on smaller clothes. Probably just the period. When this stupid period goes away I should probably lose more water weight.
OK so today's weight: 146.2! That's 1.6lbs down from yesterday and 5.8lbs over all! We'll see how tomorrow goes- no tears if there isn't a loss.
I even dipped my strawberries in Truvia. I guess this isn't weird to people, because the logo for Truvia is a strawberry dipped in Truvia, but I have a thing about making sweet things sweeter: it's unnecessary and fucking gross. Strawberries in sugar I guess isn't so bad since it's like dessert, but the things people do to sweet potatoes! disgusting!
Also disgusting, I thought I was constipated because I hadn't gone at my normal time (should have been yesterday morning) so I drank some Smooth Move tea last night and that is probably some of my weight this morning. That shit works, and a little too well. I must not have been constipated because there was never anything hard and on the third toilet trip it was all water. I've been drinking water to compensate. I don't expect to lose as much, or any, tomorrow, but I say that everyday and have always been surprised.
One amazing thing, then I'll tell you my weight and you'll be done hearing about my bowels, when you do low carb you lose so much water weight and you feel all unbloated and ready to get into smaller jeans right away. On this diet, I am losing but I still feel bloated and unwilling to try on smaller clothes. Probably just the period. When this stupid period goes away I should probably lose more water weight.
OK so today's weight: 146.2! That's 1.6lbs down from yesterday and 5.8lbs over all! We'll see how tomorrow goes- no tears if there isn't a loss.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
in brief
So much to talk about but just so little blogging time.
Morning weight, 1lb down! despite my three week long, barely-there period turning into a full-on blood bath. noice.
147.8... that's 4.2 net pounds lost.
Morning weight, 1lb down! despite my three week long, barely-there period turning into a full-on blood bath. noice.
147.8... that's 4.2 net pounds lost.
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it was surprisingly hard to find a corresponding photo today. |
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
delighting in the little [calorie] things
Normally when I cook, I sort of have this lunch lady slop style of plating food- maybe because the portions are generally so big there's really no room for pretty on the plate. Since I've been cooking for myself on this diet, though, the smaller amount of food leaves me free to garnish.
Really, it looks like (size of meal-wise) anything you'd see on a restaurant show/anything with Gordon Ramsay and it looks like the pictures in Cooking Light or other healthy food publications. Three days ago, I would have said "that's not enough food for anyone" but now it's more than filling.
One trick, I don't do anything but look at my food while I eat it. No munch and type. They, whoever those people are, say that this enhances the taste of the food and in turn makes you more satisfied. I just think it's incredibly boring and it makes me want to stop eating so I can do something else.
The other trick is this Trader Joe's jalapeno hot sauce... it's CRAZY GOOD and I'm not a hot sauce fan in general. It's not that I don't like spicy things (though generally I don't) but hot sauce just has a weird flavor, maybe from the vinegar. This stuff tastes good though. I want to drink it out of the bottle. It has made the perfect replacement for cocktail sauce in my shrimp and it's sugar-free and zero calories- GET YOU SOME!
Between meals I was munching on Trader Joe's sesame melba rounds. You can have ONE round twice a day on this diet AND they're like the size of silver dollars AND mine were stale AND they had fat in them which the melba on protocol is not supposed to. So I switched to these Wasa crackers, they're pretty big and one is both servings for the day so I ate half at lunch today and it was so satisfying. I'm into that "whole grain" flavor (hamburger buns being the exception) so these are right up my alley. They have no fat, though they have slightly more carbs than the TJ's sesame melba. I don't know if I'll eat the other half tonight, I didn't need the melba last night- we shall see.
The people on the HCG boards say that some use it but it is NOT ON PROTOCOL.
Well guess what? Neither is melba toast because I'm sure you cannot find any melba toast that is exactly the same as it was in the 50s when Simeon's wrote the manuscript and a lot of people use Old London melba toast and that has sugar in it.
I'm good at following policy literally but sometimes you gotta look at the spirit of the policy and sometimes you gotta just throw shit out.
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the small amount of food doesn't make me a better photographer. |
Really, it looks like (size of meal-wise) anything you'd see on a restaurant show/anything with Gordon Ramsay and it looks like the pictures in Cooking Light or other healthy food publications. Three days ago, I would have said "that's not enough food for anyone" but now it's more than filling.
One trick, I don't do anything but look at my food while I eat it. No munch and type. They, whoever those people are, say that this enhances the taste of the food and in turn makes you more satisfied. I just think it's incredibly boring and it makes me want to stop eating so I can do something else.
The other trick is this Trader Joe's jalapeno hot sauce... it's CRAZY GOOD and I'm not a hot sauce fan in general. It's not that I don't like spicy things (though generally I don't) but hot sauce just has a weird flavor, maybe from the vinegar. This stuff tastes good though. I want to drink it out of the bottle. It has made the perfect replacement for cocktail sauce in my shrimp and it's sugar-free and zero calories- GET YOU SOME!
Between meals I was munching on Trader Joe's sesame melba rounds. You can have ONE round twice a day on this diet AND they're like the size of silver dollars AND mine were stale AND they had fat in them which the melba on protocol is not supposed to. So I switched to these Wasa crackers, they're pretty big and one is both servings for the day so I ate half at lunch today and it was so satisfying. I'm into that "whole grain" flavor (hamburger buns being the exception) so these are right up my alley. They have no fat, though they have slightly more carbs than the TJ's sesame melba. I don't know if I'll eat the other half tonight, I didn't need the melba last night- we shall see.
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I bet these taste like cardboard to everyone else. |
The people on the HCG boards say that some use it but it is NOT ON PROTOCOL.
Well guess what? Neither is melba toast because I'm sure you cannot find any melba toast that is exactly the same as it was in the 50s when Simeon's wrote the manuscript and a lot of people use Old London melba toast and that has sugar in it.
I'm good at following policy literally but sometimes you gotta look at the spirit of the policy and sometimes you gotta just throw shit out.
i want some cheeeeese
The next phase of this diet is "p3" wherein one eats basically Atkins induction.
I'm so looking forward to it!
I'm not having a difficult time on this but oh how I miss cheese. I read somewhere that cheese has opiates in it. I believe it.
Weighed in this morning at 148.8, 2.2 lbs down from yesterday, and 3.2 overall. I definitely don't expect to see 2+ lb losses daily, I think I just took a big... ahem... this morning.
I'm so looking forward to it!
I'm not having a difficult time on this but oh how I miss cheese. I read somewhere that cheese has opiates in it. I believe it.
Weighed in this morning at 148.8, 2.2 lbs down from yesterday, and 3.2 overall. I definitely don't expect to see 2+ lb losses daily, I think I just took a big... ahem... this morning.
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there is a lot of booze that is also my weight |
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
onto another day
I got through my first day without any big problems. As bed time neared, I actually felt really stuffed and kind of sick from the smell of Joe making himself a burger. I lost a whopping 4.4 lbs overnight (but only .8lbs overall), I'm now at 151 even. That is obviously not from fat (water and shit mostly) so I don't expect that to continue, and actually I won't be upset if my weight goes up a little (marginally) at some point during this diet.
I've been having neck/shoulder problems and it's hard to get comfortable (and my bed is very soft, which is not at all my favorite way for mattresses to be) so I haven't been sleeping as soundly as I'd like to. I've been making up for it by sleeping longer... or trying to anyway. Last night I had so many dreams. In one, I ate some pineapple cottage cheese that is, in real life, in our refrigerator right now, and realized it wasn't on protocol and then I melted.
I've been having neck/shoulder problems and it's hard to get comfortable (and my bed is very soft, which is not at all my favorite way for mattresses to be) so I haven't been sleeping as soundly as I'd like to. I've been making up for it by sleeping longer... or trying to anyway. Last night I had so many dreams. In one, I ate some pineapple cottage cheese that is, in real life, in our refrigerator right now, and realized it wasn't on protocol and then I melted.
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won fiddy won |
Monday, August 22, 2011
even if it's all a sham
I realize that not everyone who might read this knows about the hcg diet or dieting in general. Because of inherent laziness and because of the sheer volume of documentation, I have not and probably will not get into much description of the diet, other than the day-to-day protocol.
I also realize that 500 calories a day sounds frighteningly low. And it's easy to say "well, shit yeah, you'll lose weight eating 500 calories a day." and it's easy to, having that thought, worry about muscle loss and other possible health problems.
I've read enough, and seen enough real life examples to be, myself, convinced that it works. I am not concerned.
BUT. If I'm wrong...
Here's something about "starvation mode"... when one is starving, their level of activity is automatically lowered and they require less calories.
Medicine and technology and all other science have the advantage of being multi-lifetime pursuits. When one scientist dies, another goes on to continue working and advancing. So we live in a highly advanced time.
Evolution is much slower. Our bodies have not evolved as fast as science has advanced. There have always been times of famine and times of plenty but in the Western world 2011, there is mostly just times of plenty.
What I'm saying is, I'm not going to kill myself, or even get sick from a month of famine; I'm adapted for it. So even if the hcg is a complete placebo (and I do not remotely think it is), I'm going to be A-OK.
I also realize that 500 calories a day sounds frighteningly low. And it's easy to say "well, shit yeah, you'll lose weight eating 500 calories a day." and it's easy to, having that thought, worry about muscle loss and other possible health problems.
I've read enough, and seen enough real life examples to be, myself, convinced that it works. I am not concerned.
BUT. If I'm wrong...
Here's something about "starvation mode"... when one is starving, their level of activity is automatically lowered and they require less calories.
Medicine and technology and all other science have the advantage of being multi-lifetime pursuits. When one scientist dies, another goes on to continue working and advancing. So we live in a highly advanced time.
Evolution is much slower. Our bodies have not evolved as fast as science has advanced. There have always been times of famine and times of plenty but in the Western world 2011, there is mostly just times of plenty.
What I'm saying is, I'm not going to kill myself, or even get sick from a month of famine; I'm adapted for it. So even if the hcg is a complete placebo (and I do not remotely think it is), I'm going to be A-OK.
the real diet starts
First day v.ery l.ow c.alorie d.iet. It's generally not difficult for me to not eat anything in the morning... I started to get really hungry when I arrived to school at 10:30. I ate an apple, felt great through my whole class, and didn't eat anything again until 3:00.
Physically, I am not hungry, including the mental-physical brain hunger. Nothing.
Psychologically, I just miss eating already. It's not that bad, it's not hard to get distracted from, and I'll get over it.
I spaced my meals out well, I think. It's almost 8PM and I still have a protein, a veggie, and a fruit left (and a melba toast, if I decide to eat it).
I made a good dressing out of Bragg's apple cider vinegar. Pretty much my dressing is vinegar, water, and parsley, basil and black pepper. I mean... I like it but I just like vinegar. I used my dressing on some lettuce that I ate with chopped up onion. This isn't technically protocol buuuuutt... I don't know... I feel like onions are more like a spice (sort of) and jesus shit, 2 cups of lettuce doesn't even have 15 calories.. I HAD to find a way to get more in than that. I'm going to try not to do that in general. I just didn't have enough cucumber to make it my vegetable and I want to have asparagus tonight.
I am craving things (bad things) but I am not hungry. I'm actually glad I'm doing this, just as a lesson in self-discipline. Catholics do lent for 40 days (and it used to be harder than today's I'm-gonna-give-up-orange-soda Catholics are accustomed to). I can do this.
Physically, I am not hungry, including the mental-physical brain hunger. Nothing.
Psychologically, I just miss eating already. It's not that bad, it's not hard to get distracted from, and I'll get over it.
I spaced my meals out well, I think. It's almost 8PM and I still have a protein, a veggie, and a fruit left (and a melba toast, if I decide to eat it).
I made a good dressing out of Bragg's apple cider vinegar. Pretty much my dressing is vinegar, water, and parsley, basil and black pepper. I mean... I like it but I just like vinegar. I used my dressing on some lettuce that I ate with chopped up onion. This isn't technically protocol buuuuutt... I don't know... I feel like onions are more like a spice (sort of) and jesus shit, 2 cups of lettuce doesn't even have 15 calories.. I HAD to find a way to get more in than that. I'm going to try not to do that in general. I just didn't have enough cucumber to make it my vegetable and I want to have asparagus tonight.
I am craving things (bad things) but I am not hungry. I'm actually glad I'm doing this, just as a lesson in self-discipline. Catholics do lent for 40 days (and it used to be harder than today's I'm-gonna-give-up-orange-soda Catholics are accustomed to). I can do this.
I am done loading! I took my first v.ery l.ow c.alorie d.iet injection today (it's not any different than the other injections but I'm better at it now and it hurt less). I did my darndest to eat all of the foods I like but mostly I just felt sick all day. I bought sugary stuff to eat but couldn't finish any of it so there's still pie and ice cream and yogurt pretzels and a cupcake in here. That doesn't bother me now, I suppose it might later.
My weight this morning was 155.4, an increase of 3.6 from yesterday and an increase of 3.4 overall from start weight. Some women gain a lot; I'm not too worried about 3.4lbs at all.
I'm ready to get the weight loss part started though, for sure.
I'm lazy and I still haven't made my 3.5 oz sections of meat for the freezer... definitely on the to do list today.
My weight this morning was 155.4, an increase of 3.6 from yesterday and an increase of 3.4 overall from start weight. Some women gain a lot; I'm not too worried about 3.4lbs at all.
I'm ready to get the weight loss part started though, for sure.
I'm lazy and I still haven't made my 3.5 oz sections of meat for the freezer... definitely on the to do list today.
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one fiddy fi' point fo |
Sunday, August 21, 2011
boo[ze], you suck
_~* uffggghhh. Can you drink during loading? Probably should have looked into that 14 hours ago. I hope loading on Heineken is okay. I don't know how much I drank- well, enough that, carefully spaced throughout the night, I was my drunkest at 2AM when the bar closed and enough that I've been shitting my guts out all morning (see? How nice! There's a cleanse part of this diet.)
Alright, I did a quick search on the hcg diet info forums and it appears many before me have asked about alcohol during loading and it is okay. No one was really forthcoming with how much they were planning to drink- no one said "is it okay if I get buh-lasted during loading days?" but to be fair, those weren't the search terms I used.
So this morning I weighed in at 151.8, a loss of .2 lbs but not very realistic. I'm working on it as I write this, but I'm very, very dehydrated this morning. Whatever, I'm keeping the number in the record, I'll shoot up 8 lbs tomorrow.
Alright, I did a quick search on the hcg diet info forums and it appears many before me have asked about alcohol during loading and it is okay. No one was really forthcoming with how much they were planning to drink- no one said "is it okay if I get buh-lasted during loading days?" but to be fair, those weren't the search terms I used.
So this morning I weighed in at 151.8, a loss of .2 lbs but not very realistic. I'm working on it as I write this, but I'm very, very dehydrated this morning. Whatever, I'm keeping the number in the record, I'll shoot up 8 lbs tomorrow.
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mentally add the decimal |
Saturday, August 20, 2011
hcg... day 1... mix and load
So I don't know... I fucked up on mixing my hcg. What I was supposed to do was have 4ml of liquid total but I actually only had 3 and I didn't realize this until I had started pre-loading syringes (and I don't even know why I was preloading syringes in the first place... it was just something my mom did.) So I squirted the liquid back in, I'm sure I lost a ton of liquid because I ended up with 11 instead of 13 doses. I guess that's not that big of a difference.
First shot didn't hurt going in but I didn't care for the pressure of the liquid as I injected it. But I'm okay. I think I lost some hcg. Better get good at this by the time the very low calorie diet starts.
For those of you not familiar with the hcg diet, let me give you enough information that you can at least follow what I am saying. I'm not going to get into the why, you'll just have to trust that I've done my research and this is the diet I'm going to do.
First shot didn't hurt going in but I didn't care for the pressure of the liquid as I injected it. But I'm okay. I think I lost some hcg. Better get good at this by the time the very low calorie diet starts.
For those of you not familiar with the hcg diet, let me give you enough information that you can at least follow what I am saying. I'm not going to get into the why, you'll just have to trust that I've done my research and this is the diet I'm going to do.
- hCG is a hormone. Generally it is prescribed as a fertility treatment.
- I buy it from an online pharmacy.
- I mix it with an injection liquid (bacteriostatic water)
- I will inject .30mL every day for 40 days.
- The first two days, I will "load" and eat as much of whatever as I want (been loading for 23 years actually)
- From that point on, I will eat a v.ery l.ow c.alorie d.iet of exact foods in exact portions.
- After the last injection, I eat very vcld for a few more days.
- For three weeks after that, I will eat whatever but no sugar or starch.
- For three weeks after that, I will slowly add in carbs, while maintaining my weight.
- Then I can do it all over again if I still have weight to lose.
Friday, August 19, 2011
body wrap
Today I went over to my mom's and got a body wrap. They have at-home kits these days and hers is particularly professional because that's what she used to do professionally when I was a kid.
To me, a body wrap is as second nature as using toilet paper but if you weren't raised by a very health-conscious mother, you probably think a body wrap is when you go to a spa and get your whole ass covered in kelp while flutey world music plays in the background.
Well you're wrong. Dead wrong.
You're wrapped in ace (Ace? ACE?) bandages soaked in a mineral solution. Per the body wrap theory, fat cells are pushed apart by toxins in the body giving you flab and cellulite and just making you generally more awful looking than you have to be. So your body exchanges the minerals for the toxins (I don't know if that's true. I'm not saying it's not, but I don't know that that's scientifically accurate. I do know that toxins and other messes are stored in fat tissue, as are hormones like estrogen.) and the toxins are sent out to collect in plastic bags that are rubber-banded to your hands and feet. The ace bandages then push your fat cells together. For this to work particularly well, you need to have a softer, more broken up fat.
I am not really the ideal candidate for this as my fat is pretty much solid but I did lose some inches, especially in my arms. You aren't supposed to lose weight with this, as the fat is not used for energy and eliminated; it's condensed.
It's hard work and kind of uncomfortable. It's not something I want to do weekly but I do think I will do a few more during my weight loss journey, if not just to satisfy my mother's curiosities... but for me too... it makes my skin extra soft and glow-y.
To me, a body wrap is as second nature as using toilet paper but if you weren't raised by a very health-conscious mother, you probably think a body wrap is when you go to a spa and get your whole ass covered in kelp while flutey world music plays in the background.
Well you're wrong. Dead wrong.
You're wrapped in ace (Ace? ACE?) bandages soaked in a mineral solution. Per the body wrap theory, fat cells are pushed apart by toxins in the body giving you flab and cellulite and just making you generally more awful looking than you have to be. So your body exchanges the minerals for the toxins (I don't know if that's true. I'm not saying it's not, but I don't know that that's scientifically accurate. I do know that toxins and other messes are stored in fat tissue, as are hormones like estrogen.) and the toxins are sent out to collect in plastic bags that are rubber-banded to your hands and feet. The ace bandages then push your fat cells together. For this to work particularly well, you need to have a softer, more broken up fat.
I am not really the ideal candidate for this as my fat is pretty much solid but I did lose some inches, especially in my arms. You aren't supposed to lose weight with this, as the fat is not used for energy and eliminated; it's condensed.
It's hard work and kind of uncomfortable. It's not something I want to do weekly but I do think I will do a few more during my weight loss journey, if not just to satisfy my mother's curiosities... but for me too... it makes my skin extra soft and glow-y.
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a tracksuit made of thick garbage bag material keeps you warm | and makes you look homeless. |
first day is the easiest
So I am going through a lot of changes right now in my life. I'm about to graduate community college (oh yes, I dream big), I'm rebuilding my collection of crap post-flood,
That being said, welcome to the journey. I hope I don't give up halfway.
("I'm not technically rich, but I do have a lot of shit that I don't need, that I refuse to share with others." - M. Bamford)Oli is about to turn 3, got my entire head of hair bleached, and other goings ons. Seems like a good time to try to lose weight again.
That being said, welcome to the journey. I hope I don't give up halfway.
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